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Congratulations Flowers

Congratulations Flowers

Send flowers to say Congratulations! Whether it's to celebrate a graduation, new home, engagement or job or promotion show someone how much you share their happiness with a beautiful bouquet of flowers and gifts. Order by 1pm for same day flower delivery to Darwin and Palmerston.

Pink lily bouquet - same day flower delivery - Beija Flor Florist Darwin
Kyoto Sale price$80

Florist's Choice

Beija Flor Florist Choice Bouquet Same Day Delivery
Florist's Choice Bouquet Sale priceFrom $120
Mother's Day PEACHY +vase - Beija Flor Darwin
Miami Sale price$150
Ipanema Sale price$90
Mother's Day PEACHY - Beija Flor Darwin
Sayulita Sale price$125

Florist's Choice

Beija Flor Florist Choice Vase Same Day Delivery
Florist's Choice Vase Sale priceFrom $135
Curacao Sale price$135
Marrakech Sale price$170
Miami - Beija Flor Darwin
Marbella Sale price$190

Florist's Choice

Beija Flor Sunset Collection Bouquet Same Day Delivery
Sunset Bouquet Sale priceFrom $120
Ningaloo Sale price$245
Mother's Day ROSÈ - Beija Flor Darwin
Positano Sale price$350
bouquet in sunset shades
Cappadocia Sale price$175

Florist's Choice

Beija Flor Native Bouquet Collection Same Day Delivery
Native Bouquet Sale priceFrom $120

Florist's Choice

Beija Flor Sunset Collection Vase Same Day Delivery
Sunset Vase Sale priceFrom $135

Florist's Choice

Beija Flor Native Vase Collection Same Day Delivery
Native Vase Sale priceFrom $135
Mylos Sale price$230
Mauritius Sale price$285
Havana Sale price$230

Florist's Choice

Beija Flor White Bouquet Collection Same Day Delivery
White Bouquet Sale priceFrom $120
Bouquet of pink lilies with eucalyptus
Nara Sale price$175
Saguaro - Beija Flor Darwin
Saguaro Sale price$245
Honolulu Sale price$105

Florist's Choice

Beija Flor White Vase Collection Same Day Delivery
White Vase Sale priceFrom $135
Large bouquet of orchids and roses
Astana Sale price$385
Sedona Sale price$195
Reykjavik Sale price$395
Beija Flor Darwin Tropical Blooms Banner

Guide to Choosing

Congratulations Flowers

Nothing marks a milestone or celebrates an achievement quite like a stunning bouquet. When choosing congratulations flowers, think vibrant arrangements that reflect the excitement of the occasion. Graduations, promotions, and personal achievements call for blooms bursting with colour and life. A handwritten note expressing your delight for their success adds a heartfelt touch to your floral gift.

Hints and Tips: Consider where the flowers will be presented, for graduations a smaller bouquet is ideal for holding in photos. Alternatively, for promotions or new business ventures a vase arrangement can be proudly displayed at the office or new business.

Same Day Flower Delivery

Order before 1pm Monday to Friday, or before 11am Saturday & Sunday, to qualify for same day local flower delivery around Darwin, Palmerston, and surrounding area. Please note we don’t deliver on NT public holidays.

Custom Floral Arrangements

Our expert florists can create a unique one-of-a-kind Congratulations flower arrangement just for you. Give our friendly team a call on 08 8900 9317 - we’ll be happy to unleash our creativity and design the perfect custom floral arrangement.

Make It Extra Special

Make it extra special by pairing your Congratulations flowers with the finest locally-sourced gifts and treats including local Bumble Bean chocolate truffles, wines from Spring Seed Wine Co, or luxurious scented Candle Co. candles.