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Flowers $100 to $150

Shop for fresh flowers within your price range. Great for the home and your budget.

Kimberley Sale price$100
Honfleur Sale price$105
Parap Sale price$115

Florist's Choice

Beija Flor Florist Choice Bouquet Same Day Delivery
Florist's Choice Bouquet Sale priceFrom $120

Florist's Choice

Beija Flor Stormcloud Bouquet Collection Same Day Delivery
Stormcloud Bouquet Sale priceFrom $120

Florist's Choice

Beija Flor Sunset Collection Bouquet Same Day Delivery
Sunset Bouquet Sale priceFrom $120

Florist's Choice

Beija Flor White Bouquet Collection Same Day Delivery
White Bouquet Sale priceFrom $120
Osaka Sale price$120
Haikou Sale price$120

Florist's Choice

Beija Flor Native Bouquet Collection Same Day Delivery
Native Bouquet Sale priceFrom $120
Mother's Day PEACHY - Beija Flor Darwin
Sayulita Sale price$125
Alaska Sale price$125
On sale

Florist's Choice

Beija Flor Florist Choice Vase Same Day Delivery
Florist's Choice Vase Sale priceFrom $135
Curacao Sale price$135

Florist's Choice

Beija Flor Native Vase Collection Same Day Delivery
Native Vase Sale priceFrom $135
Fuji Vase - Online Flower Delivery - Beija Flor
Fuji Sale price$135
Abisko Bouquet - Same Day Flower Delivery - Beija Flor
Abisko Sale price$135

Florist's Choice

stormcloud vase large florist s pick gift wrap Beija flor
Stormcloud Vase Sale priceFrom $135
Beija Flor Darwin Sunset Collection Florence Vase Arrangement
Florence Sale price$135

Florist's Choice

Beija Flor Sunset Collection Vase Same Day Delivery
Sunset Vase Sale priceFrom $135

Florist's Choice

Beija Flor White Vase Collection Same Day Delivery
White Vase Sale priceFrom $135
Papeete Sale price$135
Beija Flor Larrakia Classic Gift Wrap Bouquet
Larrakia Sale price$140
Moritz Vase
Moritz Vase Sale price$140
Save $35 Bali
Bali Sale price$140 Regular price$175
Mother's Day PEACHY +vase - Beija Flor Darwin
Miami Sale price$150
#DarwinDays Bouquet
#DarwinDays Bouquet Sale priceFrom $150
a bunch of Peachy toned flowers in a glass vase
Mary Fryar Beija Flor Florist with her Floral Arrangement

Guide to Choosing


Choosing flowers? Bouquets are great for a personal touch, letting recipients style them in their own space—ideal for birthdays or cheering someone up. Vase arrangements, on the other hand, offer convenience and a complete gift experience. They're particularly suited for special occasions like anniversaries or expressing sympathy, where immediate display and minimal effort for the recipient are appreciated. Vase arrangements come fully prepared, making them a hassle-free and elegant option for hospital visits or office deliveries, where an immediate display can share the beauty right away.

Hints and Tips: Think about the setting and the recipient's lifestyle. Busy friend? Go for a vase. Flower lover? A bouquet hits the mark. Whether it’s a bouquet or vase, adding a personal note brings your gift full circle.

Same Day Flower Delivery

Order before 1pm Monday to Friday, or before 11am Saturday & Sunday, to qualify for same day local flower delivery around Darwin, Palmerston, and surrounding area. Please note we don’t deliver on NT public holidays.

Custom Floral Arrangements

Our expert florists can create a unique one-of-a-kind flower arrangement just for you. Give our friendly team a call on 08 8900 9317 - we’ll be happy to unleash our creativity and design the perfect custom floral arrangement.

Make It Extra Special

Make it extra special by pairing your flowers with the finest locally-sourced gifts and treats including local Bumble Bean chocolate truffles, wines from Spring Seed Wine Co, or luxurious scented Candle Co. candles.