White Bouquet
Florist’s pick of seasonal blooms gift-wrapped to perfection. Our White Bouquet features lush whites and greens. Available in three sizes representing the overall value of flowers - actual dimensions may vary.

Same Day Delivery
Order before 1pm (Mon-Fri)

Gift Wrapped
Stylish white paper and ribbon

Handwritten Note
Personalised gift card

Made By Florists
Hand-crafted blooms
Local Delivery & Pickup
Order before 1pm weekdays, 11am weekends for same day delivery.
Standard Delivery $20
Darwin - Palmerston and suburbs
Out of Town Delivery from $45
Virginia, Coolalinga
Rural Delivery from $75
Giraween, Bees Creek, Humpty Doo, Darwin River, Berry Springs, Acacia Hills
Full List of Suburbs Covered with Pricing
Pickup from Our Studio
1/2 Tang Street, Coconut Grove
Mon-Wed: 8am - 4pm
Thu-Fri: 8am - 6pm
Sat: 8am - 2pm
Sun: 9am - 1pm
Will it look like the picture?
Your florals are thoughtfully put together using the freshest seasonal varieties of the day. Flower varieties may vary from those pictured.
It is our hope that the inspiration behind each floral design shines through and you’ll trust our talented team to create your one-of-a-kind floral gift.
Caring for Your Purchase
Gift Wrapped Bouquets
Trim the stems on an angle using a sharp knife or scissors. Remove any leaves that will be in the water. Place flowers in a clean vase. Change the water every couple of days or when it becomes cloudy.
Vase Arrangements
Top up the water in your vase on arrival, ensuring all stems are submerged. Change the water every couple of days or when it becomes cloudy.
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