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Florist's Choice
Florist's Choice

Florist's Choice Bouquet

Sale price$120

Looking for unique gift for a true flower lover? Leave it up to our amazing florists to choose some fabulous blooms. We’ll make sure you get the freshest seasonal flowers to make anyones day! Available in three sizes representing the overall value of flowers - actual dimensions may vary.

Same Day Delivery
Order by 1pm. Time left today...

Gift Wrapped
Stylish white paper and ribbon

Handwritten Note
Personalised gift card

Made By Florists
Hand-crafted blooms

Our Happiness Promise means we stand by our product and delivery. If you ever feel we’ve fallen short of your expectations, let us know and we’ll do everything we can to make it right.

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Andrew Lumsden
Andys late Valentines day

I was away and unfortunately forgot about Valantines Day
But i rang up Beija Flor on the Saturday from Vietnam and the Lady that took my order was fantastic and very easy to deal with The Orchards arrived at my girlfriends work on Monday morning and looked great i recieved a picture on my email Andy

Morag MacLennan
Best Florist in the NT

Beautiful Fresh Flowers, delivered quickly and lovely card enclosed

Amerisa Wilson

Gorgeous flowers great service 🌸